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Faster Download Speed

File sharing is really a wonderful process that allows people to download the files they want as well as do a good deed by enabling them to share the files they have with other members of the community. Because of file sharing, you sometimes do not need to shell out money to buy a DVD copy of a movie you’d like to watch, or a new novel from a series you have been reading for as long as you know how to download torrents. The only question you’ll want answered is how to attain faster download speed.

Uploading and downloading torrents faster is actually possible. You just have to apply the following reminders:

§         Revising the settings on your firewall

Most people have firewalls to make their computers more secure. These firewalls, however, can prevent your torrent client from performing its task well, specifically making the upload speed and the download speed slower. For faster download speed, you should change the settings of your firewall and place your torrent client into your firewall’s list of allowed sites or programs.

§         Encrypting the torrents

Many of the Internet Service Providers today want to save on bandwidth so they limit the traffic that your computer receives, also termed as throttling. One of the things that ISPs are weary of includes torrent traffic. To decrease the success of ISP throttling, you should encrypt those torrents.

§         Setting up a Torrent Booster

This is an essential step to take if you want to make certain that you’ll experience faster download speed whenever you perform file sharing activities: installing a torrent booster. The best example of this tool is BitTorrentBooster.

Bit Torrent Booster is a ground-breaking program that does not only ensure faster download speed but also improves the acceleration rate of upload during file sharing activities. Think of BitTorrent Booster as your ‘wing man’ whenever you download or upload torrents!