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Speed Up Torrents

Now you can download your favorite e-books, PSP or DS games, etc. wherever you are and whenever you want to. Thanks to peer to peer sharing, files may now be shared globally from one individual to another. The shared files are more popularly called “torrents” and every user definitely wishes to successfully speed up torrents.

No matter how large the size of the files you have taken interest in, you can still download them once they are converted into torrents. Torrents are the smaller parts of a whole file that can be sent from one computer to another through a torrent client. The speed of upload or torrent download, however, does vary. Of course, the more heavyweight your torrent is, the longer it may take to completely upload as well as download.

People who may want to make it a point to speed up torrents most especially for gigantic sized ones can perform several techniques that can help them. The most efficient method, however, is to download an add-on like BitTorrentBooster which can solve all the most commonly experienced issues in peer to peer sharing.

Prior to finding out more about Bit Torrent Booster, here is a discussion of other methods that may assist in giving faster speeds of download and upload:

Ø      Using the correct upload speed

The speed of upload that you have on your system also has an influence on your torrent download rate. Some people may set their upload speeds to their computer’s maximum capacity which is a big no-no. The most recommended upload speed is around eighty percent of the maximum system upload capacity. Setting your speed at that percentage sometimes helps speed up torrents.

Ø      Download high quality torrents

The quality of the torrent is also one factor to consider. It is suggested that you download a torrent which is popular and has a high seeding ratio. For example, if you are interested in the pokemon pearl game torrent, search from your torrent engine then evaluate those included in the list, then choose one based on its seeding ratio and popularity.

For a sure way to speed up torrents, never overlook the worth of a trusted torrent booster tool like BitTorrent Booster. Compared to other tips on increasing upload/download acceleration rate, using BitTorrentBooster will make you feel like a winner!