fast torrend booster

Learn to Upload Torrents Faster

When it comes to file sharing, BitTorrent Booster is a tool you should not do without, especially if large sized torrents are what you frequently download or upload. If you are a torrent enthusiast, you should know that aside from faster downloading, you should also find out how to upload torrents faster because they can, in a way, help you achieve the speed you want.

There are some rules that you’ll have to follow for you to have maximum speeds both for uploads and downloads. For some users, the answer is becoming a member of a private torrent tracker, but there are some other ways that can help give you added enjoyment, and what’s on top of the list is the use of torrent booster programs just like BitTorrentBooster.

The next techniques on the list that may be combined with the use of Bit Torrent Booster include:

·        Seeding

When everyone on a specific site seeds, the speed of downloads and uploads, whether the files are big or small, greatly improves. You should play your role and seed regularly if you want to be able to download and upload torrents faster than you used to.

·        No to Firewalls

If your firewall is on, downloading and uploading torrents will really be on the slow side. It is vital to turn off your firewall or open your ports to prevent any limitations or blockages to your torrent client.

·        The right upload speed

Balance is one of the keys for you to have the ability to upload torrents faster as well as download more speedily. Your upload speed should not be too high or too low. For it to be balanced, see to it that your system’s upload speed is set to 80% of the maximum amount of speed your system is capable of.

Upload torrents faster, download files more easily, and gain better ratio through taking the steps discussed. Of course, the best tip is to download BitTorrentBooster if you want optimized torrent uploads and downloads.