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Improve on Torrents Download

A lot of technology savvy people love downloading torrents not only because they are free, but also because users are given great access to an assortment of files, whether movies, music, etc. Torrents download can really be something amazing to do for as long as your speeds of download are not as slow as a turtle.

The following are some advice that you’ll see in most forums that are said to assist you in optimizing your downloading and uploading activities:

1.      Review files before downloading

It is important to first examine a file before you actually hit on the download button. Choose a file that has a good seed/peer ratio, to be specific, download ones that have more seeds as compared to peers. For example, a video that has 500 seeds and 250 peers is better than a video that has 300 seeds and 600 peers.

2.      Make use of port forwarding

Check if your firewall or router is configured in such a way that it is open in the right location. Torrents move faster when your system recognizes them immediately on port 6881. In the event that 6881 is blocked, unblock it, or opt for port 6882, or 6883, 6884, etc. The best port, of course, is 6881.

3.      Enable encryption in your computer

Turning on encryption for torrents may also help provide quicker torrents download. Most Internet service providers place limits on the amount of traffic you can receive from torrent sites, but by enabling encryption, your computer will be able to receive more traffic from sites that allow downloading and uploading of torrents. This may also mean better speed.

The tips above, however, may not be able to benefit you consistently. Boosting torrent speed is not impossible---thanks to BitTorrent Booster. If you want long-term improvement and a better experience in torrents download, check out BitTorrentBooster.  Be surprised with results that only Bit Torrent Booster can provide: high ratio, speedier upload rates as well as quicker download rates.